
As much as I don't want to believe it, we're currently in the middle of November which means there's only about six weeks left of 2017, which means it's almost the end of autumn *sob* and almost the beginning of winter. All of this combined with the fact I was hunting for a book tag to do on the blog means it's time for the End of Year Book Tag!

The inspiration for doing this now goes to the lovely Reagen (@reagen.reads on Instagram & reagenreads.com) who posted this tag on his blog earlier in the week and after reading his post I knew it was the perfect time to do this (thanks Reagen!!!)

Lets gets started on the Q&A...

Are there any books you have started this year and haven't finished?

Yes, but not because I wasn't enjoying it! I started reading The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers last month but put it down when I received an ARC of Artemis by Andy Weir. I wanted to read Artemis straight away and I decided I didn't want to be reading two spaced themed books at the same time which is the only reason I put The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet down. I can't wait to pick it up again though! 


Do you have a read to transition you into the next season?

I'm hoping to pick up Uprooted by Naomi Novik as the book to take me from autumn into winter (plus the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur as I just got my copy in the mail and it looks too beautiful not to!) I thought Uprooted would be perfect to pick up as it's fantasy and I've heard it's very atmospheric so definitely one to read at this time of year. 


Are there any upcoming releases that you're still anticipating and waiting for?

There have actually been quite of lot of books released this month that I'm really excited to pick up and read—  The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin, The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty & Bonfire by Krysten Ritter


What are three books you want to read by the end of the year?

There are so many to choose from!!! Instead of basically listing the books I've already mentioned, I'll pick three more I'd love to read by the end of the year (if only this reading slump would go away!!)... The Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera, Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones and The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman


Is there still a book you think could be a sleeper and make your list of top reads this year?

Out of the ones I really want to read I think The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet is one that could make my favourites list mainly because I've heard SO many good things about it and also because I absolutely love books set in space, I end up loving pretty much every one that I read!


Have you already started making reading plans for 2018?

My answer is pretty similar to Reagen's in that rereading The Secret History by Donna Tartt is high on my list of things to read. It's one of my absolute favourites and I am so excited to reread it! As well as that I'd say making my way through the big pile of graphic novels & comics I have accumulated is part of the plan too.


I hope you had as much reading this post as I did writing it, it's really got me in the mood to read all of the books I've talked about! Id' love to know your answers to the questions so please leave them in the comments below or feel free to do the tag yourself and let me know if you do because I'd love to read it!