
I know that not everyone is a fan of the hype of the new year but as much as I know that January 1st is just another day, the start of a new year always has me feeling partly nostalgic and partly ready for fresh start. I love writing posts like this, the fact that I’m very nostalgic combined with the fact that my memory isn’t the best, having blog posts like this to look back on is such a lovely thing for me. As personal as these kinds of posts are I hope you like having a little look back at what 2018 was for me!

2018 has brought changes and new discoveries, new places and revisting some old favourites. It’s gone quicker than I feel like any other year has and personally I’ve spent a lot of time figuring myself out and coming to terms with who I am and where I want go from here. Some of my favourite things that’ve happened this year, happened when I worked through my anxiety and although there have been many days when I haven't been able to, it’s been amazing to see what can I happen when I’m able to manage it. Probably the biggest change came last month when I went officially went freelance with the blog and Instagram, which in the most cliche way has been a dream come true and I am forever grateful to each and everyone of you for helping me get to the point where I get to call this my job for now.

I ended up reading nineteen books, watched more films this year than I think I have any another year, discovered the world of podcasts, as always I’m pretty late the party, rewatched some of my favourite TV shows and went to see Les Miserables again in London. I got better at saving money, discovered lots of new favourite coffee shops & reached out to companies I really wanted to work with. I dyed my hair for the first time, filmed one second of every day of the year and bumped into Robert Downey Jr. in Bath.


Edinburgh / February

Edinburgh / February

Rome / September

Rome / September

I had the chance to visit and explore some beautiful new cities this year including Edinburgh back in February and Rome in September. It’s hard to pick a favourite but the trip we took to Bradford-on-Avon and Bath in May will always be a special one for me, it was the first press trip I had done so was feeling full on anxious about it but we had such a lovely weekend and spending the day in Bath was just perfect, it has become a favourite city of mine & ever since me and my sister have been deciding how soon we can move there!

Bath / May

Bath / May

2018 also was the year that I feel we really made the most of living so close to London, we took lots of day trips and also spent a weekend staying in a beautiful Airbnb in Notting Hill, which inspired one of my recent blog posts. You can find more from London and also Edinburgh, Bradford-on-Avon, Bath & Rome below…

London / November

London / November

Autumn 2018

Autumn 2018


Right now I’m feeling completely ready to take on 2019, I feel full of inspiration and there a couple of really exciting things I’m currently working on that I can’t wait to take forward into the new year. We already have a trip to the US booked for the summer and I’m excited to start planning where else we want to explore. As much as I’m a planner though I want to next year to be more of a spontaneous one, I want to try and not overthink the things I do but make more of a conscious effort to be present and enjoy the moment no matter what the other anxious part of my brain thinks.

Thank you to all of you for following along this past year, I know I say it a lot but it means so much that you take the time out from your day to connect with me here and on Instagram. I’d love to hear all about how 2018 was for you, what your favourite moments were, anything that you’ve discovered or learnt about yourself– let me know! Speak soon loves…


* inspired by the lovely Carrie from WishWishWish and her Best of 2017 post.