
August is over and that makes this girl super happy because in my heart it's officially autumn— my absolute favourite time of year! But August was a pretty great month and I enjoyed soaking up the last few weeks of the summer. I felt like sharing the things I've been loving recently, so keep reading to find out more—



I read five books (four novels and one graphic novel) in the month of August and actually

really loved them all—

Soppy, Philippa Rice— 5/5 ☆

Voyager, Diana Gabaldon— 4.5/5 ☆

History is All You Left Me, Adam Silvera— 4.5/5 ☆

Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel— 5/5 ☆

Flame in the Mist, Renée Ahdieh— 5/5 ☆


Special shout out to Station Eleven & Flame in the Mist for being amazing this month, I absolutely loved these two, they're definitely on my 2017 favourites list!

I'd been meaning to read Station Eleven for so long and I'm so glad I finally picked it up, it definitely didn't disappoint! Station Eleven is a post apocalyptic story following what happens to the Earth and a traveling symphony after a flu has wiped out 99% of the population. The writing was so beautifully atmospheric and the story jumps back and forth through time and follows different perspectives which means the story and the links that bring the characters together unravels as you're reading and how it all came together at the end was just perfect. This is one of those books that makes you appreciate the smallest things in your life and makes you want to look for the good in everything. I'm sure it'll stay with me forever.

I was expecting to enjoy Flame in the Mist because I'd loved Renee Ahdieh's previous books but when I started it I wasn't sure whether I would love it as much, it took me a bit to get into it. But after a while it completely drew me and wouldn't let me go right until the end. The story is set in Japan and follows Mariko the daughter of a samurai as she is sent to the imperial palace to marry the son of the emperor but when her convoy is attacked on the journey she plots revenge and dresses as a boy to infiltrate the clan that tried to kill her. What captivated me the most was the characters, each character was so well written and each was very vivid, even the minor characters felt so individual and had so much life. I can't wait for the next book to see where the story goes!

If you want to see what else I've been reading lately, you can check my Goodreads account here!



✧ Habits, PLESTED 

✧ Night So Long, Haim

✧ Sans Sochi, Pêtr Aleksänder 

✧ Cavalry, Novo Amor 

✧ Secret For The Mad, dodie 

✧ All My Faith, The Last Dinosaur 

✧ Into Yellow, Martin Luke Brown 

✧ When The End Comes, Andrew Belle

✧ Visible, Hayden Calnin 

✧ Golden, Mt. Wolf, St. South 

If you're interested in seeing more of my playlists you can find me on Spotify here


E V E R Y T H I N G   E L S E

Over the last month I've been watching Brooklyn Nine Nine and rewatching Outlander. Brooklyn Nine Nine is one of those shows that just makes me happy, like if I'm having a bad day I'll put it on and I know it'll make me smile. I'm just about to start season three and I'm really loving it so far! I'm rewatching the first two seasons of Outlander in preparation for the start season three and I just love this show. What really gets me every time is how beautifully it's filmed— the cinematography is perfect! I can't wait for season three!


This beautiful new addition to my collection of copies of The Night Circus VERY kindly sent to me by the lovely people at Vintage Books— I'd been hunting for the UK proof copy for months but to no avail so I reached out to the publishers who offered to send it to me. I feel very grateful as it's absolutely beautiful and really hard to track down. For now my collection is complete!

I'll admit it I have become a little bit  addicted to selling on depop over the last few months. I've been trying to make some shelf space because they've gotten a little out of control recently so I turned to depop and found it really easy to set up so almost immediately started selling. Now I know they've gone to people who will appreciate them a lot more than I do and it also helps me save for new books and travelling! (this seems like the perfect time for a shameless plug 😋) If you're interested feel free to have a look at my depop shop by clicking here!



White Noise Festival



Getting Lost in a Sunflower Field



Cable Car Over London



The Perfect Coffee Shop



End of the Summer Beach Trip


What were some of your favourite things and moments of the month? I'd love to hear about them in the comments!