
One of my favourite things about this time of year is being able to look back at all of the things of I've loved and I especially love looking back at all of the books I've read and trying to decide which have been my favourite. I thought it might be fun to write a little blog post about my top five favourites, some honourable mentions plus some stats about what my year in reading looked like! 

This year I feel like I've had months where I've been reading all the time and then months where I've hardly read anything and I haven't read as many of the books I had hoped to but at the same time I've read books I didn't expect to and ended up falling in love with them. I'm usually a big re-reader but only reread two books this year including the annual autumnal reread of my favourite book— The Night Circus. I've read 27 books by female authors and 13 books by male authors. If you're interested in more of my stats you can check my Goodreads Year in Books by clicking here!


I also wanted to talk a bit about three honourable mentions that didn't make my top five favourites but I didn't want to leave them out completely—

✧ Yes Please by Amy Poehler 

I started the year by watching Parks and Recreation which quickly became one of my favourite ever tv shows, so I knew I'd have to pick up a copy of Yes Please at some point this year! And I loved it, I listened to the audiobook as well which was amazing to hear Amy read her book. If you're looking to pick this one up, I definitely would recommend the audiobook!

✧ Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh

I haven't read as much YA this year as I have in the past but one of the YA books I completely loved was Flame in the Mist, I loved the setting, the characters & Renee Ahdieh's writing, which is beautiful!

✧ The Long Way to the Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 

This one might have made it onto my favourites list if I had read it earlier in the year, but as I only finished it a couple of weeks ago I thought I'd mention it here instead. I absolutely loved this story and the characters especially, its a very character driven story which are usually my favourite kind. Plus it's set in space which is always a winner for me!


And my top five books of 2017 are—

✧ Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

The first novel I read this year and it still made it to the top five favourites, which just shows how much I loved it. It's such a beautiful and impactful story and as always I found the historical aspect of the story fascinating, it's definitely one that I recommend to everyone!

✧ The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Another book that I read in January, I got completely obsessed by this story and the mystery of it. It was so well written I never wanted to put it down and I can't wait to reread this one again!

✧ A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

A lot of people say this book completely breaks your heart and I'd agree, it's so emotional draining and if you feel you need to I would definitely check the trigger warnings for this one. Even though it's such an emotional read I LOVED reading the characters and their lives, the writing was beautiful and was just my aesthetic (is that a weird way to describe a writing style?) I'll definitely never forget this story!

✧ Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 

If I had to pick one book on this list as my favourite of the year I'd probably pick this one. I love post apocalyptic stories and this is such a beautiful story. I love the way it focuses on different characters and the way their stories intertwine. When I finished reading this I immediately started reading it again which I never do but I just couldn't get enough of it, I adored it! 

✧ The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 

The only YA book on this list and the only book that was released this and probably the most impactful and important stories I've ever read and don't really know what else to say about it expect that I wish everyone gets a chance to read this story. 

I'd love to know what your favourites of the year have been and how your reading year has gone— tell me all about in the comments, as always thank you so much for reading!