
I keep meaning to share this little favourites post with you and I'm excited I finally got myself motivated to get it done, I love having these posts to look back on– they always make me nostalgic and I love sharing these little things with you. As always I've been making a list of the things I was loving during the months of March, April & May– keep reading to find out what they were...

B O O K S 

One of the books that I read and completely loved in the spring was The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah.


The story starts off in 1974 following thirteen year old Leni as her Dad, a former POW in Vietnam, makes the decision to move the family to live off the grid in the wilderness of Alaska. I'll link the goodreads page here so you can read the synopsis for yourself because it does a much better job of explaining what the story is about– but I became completely obsessed with this book and there were definitely times I couldn't put it down. I loved Leni as the main character, she was so easy to connect with and I really empathised with her through all of the ups and downs of the story. 

If you're looking for something new to read I'd definitely recommend picking this up– especially if you're looking for a book to take you from YA into adult fiction, I think it's a really good transitional book!

F I L M  & T V 

One of my goals this year is to watch twenty five new films and over the spring I ended up watching a lot of new movies! I have quite a few new favourites but the ones that I loved the most were Lady Bird; a beautiful coming of age story, my favourite thing was the mother and daughter relationship... Your Name; the first anime film I've seen, the music and the art made my heart so happy, it was so beautiful & The Florida Project; all about nostalgia, magic and childhood and it broke my heart a little bit– if you haven't watched any of these yet and want something new to watch, I'd definitely recommend them! 


My favourite new tv obsession the last few months was This Is Us– I had been meaning to watch it for a while and I'm so glad I finally did, I love character driven stories and this one is all about a group of characters and how their lives link together, I can't wait to get caught up on season two! 

M U S I C 

Just a few of the songs I've been listening on repeat during March, April & May;

✧ Death With Dignity, Sufjan Stevens 

✧ Sky Full of Song, Florence and the Machine

✧ A Boat To An Island On The Wall, Ben Howard

✧ Motives, Davis John Patton

✧ In Your Hands, Nick Mulvey 

✧ A Closeness, Dermot Kennedy 

✧ Hunger, Florence and the Machine 

✧ Focus, Sigrid 

E V E R Y T H I N G  E L S E 

One of the apps I've really loved using these past few months has been Lightroom. I had never really used Lightroom for photo editing before but decided to download the app on my phone and had a play around and tried editing some pictures and I've been pretty obssesed ever since. I particularly love it for editing travel/outdoors shots and I'm hoping on uploading a blog post about how I use Lightroom to edit really soon!


I have a new favourite candle which was very kindly sent to me by Le Labo fragrances– the scent I have is Santal 26 and it's quite a hard scent to describe– I'd say its smokey and fresh at the same time which sounds a bit weird but it smells absolutely amazing and I know it'll remind me of this time of year whenever I burn it in the future!


Another brand I've been loving is Virginutty and especially their Make Up Melt– a coconut oil based moisturiser and make up remover. I literally used this everyday during the spring to take of my make up– it makes the process really quick and easy and leaves your face feeling super moisturised which I completely love. 


I couldn't do a spring favourites post and not quickly mention these shoes– the Royale Flat from Free People. I've been wearing them pretty much everyday because they're so comfortable as well as being super pretty!

I N S T A G R A M 

Some of the Instagram accounts I've been loving recently;


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I hope you've enjoyed this little post about all of the things I was loving this Spring! If you have any recent favourite things– whatever they are, I'd love to hear all about them in the comments! As always, thank you for reading and I hope you all have a beautiful day! ♡